Name: Nguyen thi Thu Lan
Birthday :Apr 4th 1974
Height : 1m61
Weight : 50 kg
State of marriage: single
Characteristic: humorous - easy going
Career : dealer
Hobbies: music, book, study foreign languages
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Name: Huy`nh Ngo.c Phu+o+'c
Birthday :Feb 7th 1978
Height : 1m59
Weight : 47 kg
State of marriage: single
Characteristic: brisk , easy going
Career : student information
Hobbies: making friend, karaoke, creative , sport
Write me : ngocphuoc22@ketbantramnam.itgo.com
Name: La^m Ngo.c Thuy'
Birthday :Nov 4th 1977
Height : 1m52
Weight : 42 kg
State of marriage: single
Characteristic: brisk, easy going
Career : worker
Hobbies: : travel, music, fashion
Write me : ngocthuy23@ketbantramnam.itgo.com
Name: Pham thi Thu Nga
Birthday :Oct 21th 1961
Height : 1m50
Weight : 45 kg
State of marriage: single
Characteristic: humorous - easy going
Career : housewife
Hobbies: making friend
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